According to: Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
- Antoniou, A., Danezis, E., Lyratzi, E., Poopovic, L.C., Stathopoulos, D. & Dimitrijevic, M.S.: “A statistical study of C IV regions in 20 Oe- stars”, Advances in Space Research (ASR), 2014 (in press).
- Stathopoulos, D., Danezis, E., Lyratzi, E., Antoniou, A. & Popovic, L.C., Advances in Space Research (ASR), 2013 (in press).
- Danezis, E., Lyratzi, E., Stathopoulos, D., Antoniou, A. & Popovic, L.C.,Advances in Space Research (ASR), 2013 (in press).
- Antoniou, A., Danezis, E., Lyratzi, E., Stathopoulos, D.& Dimitrijevic, M.S.:“A statistical study of the Si IV resonance line parameters in 19 Be Stars”, Baltic Astronomy, vol. 20, 548-551, 2011.
- Antoniou, A., Stathopoulos, D, Danezis, E., Lyratzi, E.:“Studying the UV Mg II resonance lines in 20 Be stars”, Baltic Astronomy, vol. 20, 572-575, 2011.
- Lyratzi, E., Danezis, E., Popovic, L., Antoniou, A., Dimitrijevic, M.S., Stathopoulos, D, “The complex broad absorption line in a smple of QSO spectra”, Baltic Astronomy, vol. 20, 448-453, 2011.
- Antoniou, A., Dimitrijević, M. S. & Stathopoulos, D.: «Studying the complex BAL profiles in the BALQSOs spectra», Proceedings of 25th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases (SPIG 2010), held on August, 30 – September, 3, 2010, Donji Milanovac, Serbia 2010, JPhCS, 257a, 2035.
- Lyratzi, E., Danezis, E., Popović, L. Č., Dimitrijević, M. S., Antoniou, A., and Stathopoulos, D.: “Kinematic properties of the Broad Absorption Line Regions in the spectra of quasars”, 2010, MSAIS, 15, 161L.
- Antoniou, A., Danezis, E., Lyratzi, E., Popović, L. Č., Dimitrijević, M. S., and Theodosiou, E.: “Studying the location of SACs and DACs regions in the environment of hot emission stars”, 2010, MSAIS, 15, 138A.
- Danezis, E., Lyratzi, E., Antoniou, A., Popović, L. Č. and Dimitrijević, M. S.: “Studying the complex spectral line profiles in the spectra of hot emission stars and quasars”, 2010, MSAIS, 15, 13D.
- Danezis, E., Lyratzi, E., Popović, L. Č., Dimitrijević, M. S. and Antoniou, A.:“Investigating DACs/SACs Phenomena in Hot Emission Stars and Quasars”ASP Conference Series, Vol. 424, 2010.
- Danezis, E., Lyratzi, E., Popović, L. Č., Dimitrijević, M. S. and Antoniou, A.:“Ways of creation of DACs and SACs in the spectra of PG 0946+301 and PG 1254+047” ASP Conference Series, Vol. 424, 2010.
- Danezis, E. Lyratzi, E. Popović, L. Č., Dimitrijević, M. S., Antoniou, A., “Interpreting the complex line profiles in the stellar spectra”, 2009 NewAR 53, 214.
- Lyratzi, E., Popović, L. Č.,Danezis, E., Dimitrijević, M. S., Antoniou, A., “Kinematics of the broad absorption line region in QSOs: Rotation and random motion”, 2009, NewAR, 53, 179.
- Antoniou, A., Danezis, E., Lyratzi, E., Popović, L. Č., Dimitrijević, M. S. and Stathopoulos, D.: ”A new approach of the GR Model” ASP Conference Series, Vol. 424, 2010.
- Antoniou, A., Danezis, E., Lyratzi, E., Popović, L. Č., Dimitrijević, M. S., Theodossiou, E. & Stathopoulos, D.: “A study of the atmospherical structure of the AX mon (HD 45910)”, , Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting (JENAM 2008), September 8-12, 2008, Vienna Austria, 2009, Comn. Asteroseismology, 159.
- Antoniou, A., Danezis, E., Lyratzi, E., Nikolaidis, D., Popović, L. Č. & Dimitrijević, M. S.: “Kinematical parameters in the coronal and post-coronal regions of the Oe stars”, 24th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, (SPIG 2008), August 25-29, 2008, Novi sad, Serbia, 2008, JPhCS, 133a, 2028.
- Lyratzi, E., Danezis, E., Popović, L. Č., Dimitrijević, M. S. & Antoniou, A.: “DACs and SACs phenomena in the C IV emitting regions of QSOs”, 24th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, (SPIG 2008), August 25-29, 2008, Novi sad, Serbia, 2008, POBeo, 84, 483.
- Danezis, E., Lyratzi, E., Popović, L. Č., Antoniou, A. & Dimitrijević, M. S.: “The very broad lines in the UV spectra of hot emission stars – A possible explanation”, 24th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, (SPIG 2008), August 25-29, 2008, Novi sad, Serbia, 2008, POBeo, 84, 463.
- Antoniou, A., Danezis, E., Lyratzi, E., Popović, L. Č., Dimitrijević, M. S., Theodossiou, E. & Stathopoulos, D.: “A study of AX Mon (HD 45910) kinematical parameters of the Fe II density regions”, 24th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, (SPIG 2008), Αύγουστος 25-29, 2008, Novi sad, Serbia, 2008, POBeo, 84, 455.
- Danezis, E., Nikolaidis D., Lyratzi, E., Popović, L. Č., Dimitriević, M. S., Antoniou, A. & Theodosiou, E.: “A new model for the structure of DACs and SACs regions in Oe and Be stellar atmospheres”, 2007, PASJ, 59, 827.
- Lyratzi, E., Danezis, E., Nikolaidis, D., Popović, L. Č, Dimitrijević, M. S. & Antoniou, A. “The complex structure of the MgII λλ 2795.523, 2802.698 Α regions of 64 Be stars” 2007, PASJ, 59, 357.
- Nikolaidis, D., Danezis, E., Lyratzi, E., Popović, L. Č., Dimitrijević, M. S., Antoniou, A. & Theodossiou, E.: A New Approach For DACs And SACs Phenomena In The Atmospheres Of Hot Emission Stars, XXVIth IAU General Assembly, 2006, August 14-25, Prague, Czech Republic, 2006, IAUJD, 4E, 11, 2007, uasb.conf, 107.
- Lyratzi, E., Danezis, E., Antoniou, A., Nikolaidis, D., Popović, L. Č. & Dimitrijević, M. S.: “The complex structure of the Si IV λλ 1393.755, 1402.77 Å regions of 68 Be-type stars”, XXVIth IAU General Assembly, 2006, August 14-25, Prague, Czech Republic, 2006, IAUJD, 4E, 10, 2007, uasb.conf, 137.
- Lyratzi, E., Danezis, E., Antoniou, A., Nikolaidis, D., Popović, L. Č. & Dimitrijević, M. S.: “Study of Hα regions in 120 Be-type stars”, XXVIth IAU General Assembly, 2006, August 14-25, Prague, Czech Republic, 2006, IAUJD, 4E, 9, 2007, uasb.conf, 131.
- Antoniou, A., Danezis, E., Lyratzi, E., Nikolaidis, D., Popović, L. Č. & Dimitrijević, M. S.: “Hyper Ionization Phenomena In The N V Region Of 20 Oe Stars”, XXVIth IAU General Assembly, 2006, August 14-25, Prague, Czech Republic, 2006, IAUJD, 4E, , 2007, uasb.conf, 155.
- Antoniou, A.,Danezis, E., Lyratzi, E., Nikolaidis, D., Popović, L. Č. & Dimitrijević, M. S.: “Hyper Ionization Phenomena In The N IV Region Of 20 Oe Stars”, XXVIth IAU General Assembly, 2006, August 14-25, August 14-25, Prague, Czech Republic, 2006, IAUJD, 4E, 6, 2007, uasb.conf, 149.
- Antoniou, A., Danezis, E., Lyratzi, E., Nikolaidis, D., Popović, L. Č. & Dimitrijević, M. S.: “Hyper Ionization Phenomena In The C IV Region Of 20 Oe Stars”, XXVIth IAU General Assembly, 2006, August 14-25, Prague, Czech Republic, 2006, IAUJD, 4E, 5, 2007, uasb.conf, 143.
- Antoniou, A., Danezis, E., Lyratzi, E., Nikolaidis, D., Popović, L. Č., Dimitrijević, M. S. & Theodossiou, E.: Long term variability of the coronal and post-coronal C IV region of the Oe star HD 93521, XXVIth IAU General Assembly, 2006, August 14-25, Prague, Czech Republic, 2006, IAUJD, 4E, 4, 2007, uasb.conf, 113.
- Lyratzi, E., Danezis, E., Nikolaidis, D., Popović, L. Č., Dimitriević, M. S., Theodossiou, E. & Antoniou, A.: “A new approach for the structure of Ηα regions in 120 Be stars”, 5th Serbian Conference on Spectral Lines Shapes in Astrophysics (V SCSLSA), June 2005, Vrsać, Serbia, 2005, MSAIS, 7, 114.
- Danezis, E., Nikolaidis, D., Lyratzi, E., Popović, L. Č., Dimitriević, M. S., Theodossiou, E. & Antoniou, A.: “A new modelling approach for DACs and SACs regions in the atmospheres of hot emission stars”, 5th Serbian Conference on Spectral Lines Shapes in Astrophysics (V SCSLSA), June 2005, Vrsać, Serbia, 2005, MSAIS, 7, 107.
- Danezis, E., Lyratzi, E., Nikolaidis, D., Stathopoulou, M., Theodossiou, E., Drakopoulos, C., Soulikias, A. & Antoniou, A.: “On modeling SACs regions in early type atmospheres”, IV Serbian Conference on Spectral Lines Shapes (IV SCSLS), 2003, October 10-15, Arandjelovac, Serbia, 2003, POBeo, 76, 179.
- Danezis, E., Antoniou, A., Lyratzi, E., Theodossiou, E., Stathopoulou, M., Nikolaidis, D., Drakopoulos, C., Soulikias, A. & Koutroumanou, M.: “The complex coronal structure of the Oe star HD 175754”, IV Serbian Conference on Spectral Lines Shapes (IV SCSLS), 2003, October 10-15, Arandjelovac, Serbia, 2003, POBeo, 76, 175.